Islamic Law regarding gelatin
4:22 AM
If the source of Gelatine is derived from a Halaal source then its usage is permissible, whilst if the source is Haraam or Mashqook [doubtful] then it will be considered Haraam. The hide matrix or gelatine protein is basically a piece of skin, which is hydrollised, washed, melted and extracted, purified, evaporated, sterilised, chilled, dried and granulated for further shelf life and easy use. Alkaline treatment tends to remove amide groups present on certain amino acid residues on the collagen protein chains resulting in a lowering of the isoelectric point and consequently an alteration not a transformation of the chemical and physical properties of the protein occurs. Despite the above method of changing a raw product into gelatine under tremendous chemical pressure still retains much of its chemical equation. The collagen triple helix structure is lost during this procedure but the resultant Gelatine product retains the original coil structure. The aspect of Tabdeel-e-Mahiyyat does not take place.
Muslims should avoid choosing Haraam and doubtful ingredients. If a comparable medication is available in tablet or liquid form it would be advisable to ask for them instead of taking capsules. In the area of food we have such a vast selection of products whereby foregoing a certain brand containing Gelatine should pose no problem. In the UK it is a legal requirement to list ingredients in products and a reference to this guide will indicate what can be consumed or not. Muslim countries as well as local associations should provide finances to initiate and promote research to develop alternate forms to Gelatine to overcome this problem.
Muslims should avoid choosing Haraam and doubtful ingredients. If a comparable medication is available in tablet or liquid form it would be advisable to ask for them instead of taking capsules. In the area of food we have such a vast selection of products whereby foregoing a certain brand containing Gelatine should pose no problem. In the UK it is a legal requirement to list ingredients in products and a reference to this guide will indicate what can be consumed or not. Muslim countries as well as local associations should provide finances to initiate and promote research to develop alternate forms to Gelatine to overcome this problem.
Alcohol in Doubt?
11:51 AMQuestion
Is it okay to use alcohol-based medication?
According to the Qur'an and Sunnah, it is haram (forbidden) to drink alcohol or alcoholic beverages. Even a small amount of alcohol is haram and it must be avoided. As for medicine containing alcohol, the basic ruling in normal circumstances is that it should be avoided unless there is a necessity and there is no alternative and it is prescribed by a trustworthy Muslim doctor.
In his response to your question, Sheikh Muhammad Al-Mukhtar Ash-Shinqiti, director of the Islamic Center of South Plains, Lubbock, Texas, states the following:
The basic rule in normal circumstances is to avoid the thing that has alcohol as ingredient. Therefore, if you have an alternative medication that is alcohol-free, then it is forbidden to use the alcohol-based one. This is based on the Prophet’s saying: "What intoxicates in big quantity, a small amount of its consumption is also forbidden" (At-Timidhi).
However, if no alternative is available, the fiqh councils have concluded that based on the rule of istihlak (a case when the forbidden substance is insignificant compared to the lawful one), the alcohol-based medication is permissible. This is based on the fact that seeking medical treatment is necessary. It is reported that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) allowed `Abdur-Rahman ibn `Awf to wear silk, which is forbidden for men, because he was suffering from scabies (a skin disease).
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Medicine Containing Alcohol
11:47 AMResponding to the question in point, the eminent Muslim scholar, Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, states:
"Some jurists do not consider medicine to be necessary as food. They cited the following Hadith to support their argument. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) says, "Allah has not made things that are unlawful for you to consume to be your medicine."
On the other hand, other jurists maintain that medicine is so important and necessary as food. Both of them preserve man and safeguard his life. They said that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) has allowed both `Abdur-Rahman ibn `Awf and Az-Zubayr ibn Al-`Awwaam to wear silk garments, though male Muslims are not allowed to wear it, because of necessity. The two men were suffering from some sort of itching.
It seems that the aforementioned view goes in harmony with the spirit of Islam. However, there are certain conditions that must be fulfilled in order to take a medicine containing haram ingredients. Such conditions may be classified as follows:
1. The medicine containing haram ingredients (alcohol as stated in the question) must be necessary for the life of the person who takes it.
2. A knowledgeable and trustworthy Muslim physician should recommend such type of medicine containing alcohol.
3. The person is not allowed to take this particular type of medicine while there are other lawful medicines available."
"Some jurists do not consider medicine to be necessary as food. They cited the following Hadith to support their argument. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) says, "Allah has not made things that are unlawful for you to consume to be your medicine."
On the other hand, other jurists maintain that medicine is so important and necessary as food. Both of them preserve man and safeguard his life. They said that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) has allowed both `Abdur-Rahman ibn `Awf and Az-Zubayr ibn Al-`Awwaam to wear silk garments, though male Muslims are not allowed to wear it, because of necessity. The two men were suffering from some sort of itching.
It seems that the aforementioned view goes in harmony with the spirit of Islam. However, there are certain conditions that must be fulfilled in order to take a medicine containing haram ingredients. Such conditions may be classified as follows:
1. The medicine containing haram ingredients (alcohol as stated in the question) must be necessary for the life of the person who takes it.
2. A knowledgeable and trustworthy Muslim physician should recommend such type of medicine containing alcohol.
3. The person is not allowed to take this particular type of medicine while there are other lawful medicines available."
Halal Guide
11:38 AM
Islamic law as stipulated in ‘fiqh Shafie’ or laws as contained in any one of the fiqh of Maliki, Hambali or Hanafi which are approved by the King and enforced in the Federal Territory, Malacca, Penang, or approved by any other Ruler to be enforced in any other state in Malaysia.
The sources of the Islamic laws are the Al Quran, Hadith, Ijma’ and Qiyas. Whichever food substances mentioned in any one of these sources mentioned above, be it Halal (permissible) or Haram (forbidden), is interpreted as being Islamic Law.
Since the main source of the Islamic Law is Al-Quran, all Islamic rules are also Allah's Law. It is not created by men and is not a burden to human being since it is for their own good, to have a better living in this wonderful world. It is also a tool to differentiate between those who are wise and those are not.
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Islamic law as stipulated in ‘fiqh Shafie’ or laws as contained in any one of the fiqh of Maliki, Hambali or Hanafi which are approved by the King and enforced in the Federal Territory, Malacca, Penang, or approved by any other Ruler to be enforced in any other state in Malaysia.
The sources of the Islamic laws are the Al Quran, Hadith, Ijma’ and Qiyas. Whichever food substances mentioned in any one of these sources mentioned above, be it Halal (permissible) or Haram (forbidden), is interpreted as being Islamic Law.
Since the main source of the Islamic Law is Al-Quran, all Islamic rules are also Allah's Law. It is not created by men and is not a burden to human being since it is for their own good, to have a better living in this wonderful world. It is also a tool to differentiate between those who are wise and those are not.
HALAL in general term means permitted, allowed, authorized, approved, sanctioned, lawful, legal, legitimate or licit. The word ‘Food for Muslims’ or ‘food certified Halal’ or ‘Halal’ or having similar meanings can be define as follows:
a) Free of, and not made of, or containing any part or substance taken or extracted from animal which are forbidden (HARAM) to be consumed by Muslims, according to Islamic laws.
b) Not containing any substances, which is declared as filth according to Islamic Laws.
c) Not prepared, processed, produced or manufactured using utensils, equipment and / or machinery which are not free from filthy substances as directed by Islamic Laws, and
d) During preparation, processing or storage, it should not come into contact or be in close proximity with any food which do not fulfill the requirements as stipulated in Paragraph (a), (b) or (c) or any substance declared as being filth according to Islamic Law.
Filth is things that are considered as impure and dirty and it should not be used as foods, clothes, drinks or others. Filth, according to Islamic Law, are:
1. Substances such as Pork, Blood and Carcasses (Carrion) which are filth by themselves and as such cannot be accepted as clean.
HALAL in general term means permitted, allowed, authorized, approved, sanctioned, lawful, legal, legitimate or licit. The word ‘Food for Muslims’ or ‘food certified Halal’ or ‘Halal’ or having similar meanings can be define as follows:
a) Free of, and not made of, or containing any part or substance taken or extracted from animal which are forbidden (HARAM) to be consumed by Muslims, according to Islamic laws.
b) Not containing any substances, which is declared as filth according to Islamic Laws.
c) Not prepared, processed, produced or manufactured using utensils, equipment and / or machinery which are not free from filthy substances as directed by Islamic Laws, and
d) During preparation, processing or storage, it should not come into contact or be in close proximity with any food which do not fulfill the requirements as stipulated in Paragraph (a), (b) or (c) or any substance declared as being filth according to Islamic Law.
Filth is things that are considered as impure and dirty and it should not be used as foods, clothes, drinks or others. Filth, according to Islamic Law, are:
1. Substances such as Pork, Blood and Carcasses (Carrion) which are filth by themselves and as such cannot be accepted as clean.
2. Clean substances contaminated by filth and cannot be purified.
3. Clean substances contaminated by filth and can be purified.
The main sources of human food and drink are plants and animals that have been created by Allah on the earth, as a gift to its followers. Therefore they should be appreciated. But these plants and animals came from various kind and species; some of them are Halal and the others are Haram. Allah has created Halal and Haram for the sake of human benefits.
The main sources of human food and drink are plants and animals that have been created by Allah on the earth, as a gift to its followers. Therefore they should be appreciated. But these plants and animals came from various kind and species; some of them are Halal and the others are Haram. Allah has created Halal and Haram for the sake of human benefits.
What is Halal Medicine and Supplement ?
11:30 AM
Most of the medicines and mouthwashes contain alcohol - if you can find an alcoholic free alternative then use that instead. Medicines containing alcohol would be considered halal if there were no suitable alternatives available.
It should be noted that only ethyl alcohol (such as methylated spirits and ethanol, the alcohol found in alcoholic drinks) are intoxicating and are therefore haram. Other forms of alcohol (such as stearyl) are not intoxicating.
These types of alcohol won't be found in any food or drink due to the fact that they are generally poisonous, but it is a point worth bearing in mind when buying household goods containing these.
Some medicines and supplements also use gelatine as part of their capsules. It can be permissible to use these if the gelatine are Halal UNDERLESS stated Haram. If without label and sickness is critical, use ONLY if there are no suitable alternatives.
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How About Pharmaceutical and Cosmetics
11:27 AMPharmaceuticals & Cosmetics
Since these days ethanol, alcohol and animal derivatives a majority of pharmaceuticals and toiletries are made from or have some constituents, which can not be described as Halal.Currently the market for beauty and grooming products as a whole is growing as by the increasing demand for Halal personal care products. Halal cosmetics can contain animal-derived ingredients, but these have to be prepared according to Islamic codes dictating procedures for slaughtering and preparing animals.
Although the trend for Halal cosmetic products spells opportunity for producers
worldwide.There are several factors that determine the Halal/Haram status of particular Pharmaceuticals & Cosmetics. Amongst others, it is dependent on its nature, how it was made.
To determine the Halal-Haram status of the foodstuffs and other material, Islam has laid general guidelines on this matter, namely:
1. All raw materials and ingredients used must be Halal.
2. Naturally Halal animals such as cattle, goats etc., must be slaughtered according to Islamic rites, the rituals specify that the act must be performed by a mentally sound
Muslim, to sever the blood and respiratory channels of the animal, using a sharp
cutting tool such as knife.
All foods are considered halal except the following:
1) Swine/pork and its by-products or any derivatives.
2) Animals not slaughtered according to the Islamic requirements.
3) Alcohol and intoxicants.
4) Carnivorous animals, birds of prey.
5) Blood and blood by-products.
6) Foods contaminated with any of the above products.
7) Food products and ingredients such as enzymes, gelatin,emulsifier, are considered mashbooh and must be verified before its application.
3. The Halal ingredients must not be mixed, or come into contact with Haram materials such as products from pig or dog, during storage, transport, cooking serving etc.
Know About Halal
11:21 AMWhat Is Halal?
Halal is an Arabic word meaning lawful or permitted. The opposite of halal is haram,
which means unlawful or prohibited. Halal and haram are universal terms that apply to all facets of life. However, we will use these terms only in relation to food products, meat products, cosmetics, personal care products, food ingredients, food contact materials and also medicines for health care.
While many things are clearly halal or clearly haram, there are some things which are not clear. The questionable or suspect items are referred to as mashbooh, which means doubtful or questionable.
Concept of Halal
The word “Halal” Literally means permissible and in translation, it is usually used as
lawful. Opposite to Halal is Haram, which means unlawful or forbidden. With today’s
manufacturing and medicine production, it is hard to know what goes in the capsules, pills, cream, suspensions we consumed. Ingredient labeling helps, but not everything is listed, and what is listed is often a mystery.
In reference to food, it is dietary standard, as prescribed in the Quran the Muslim
scripture. General Quranic guidance dictates that all foods are Halal except those that are specifically mentioned as Haram (unlawful or prohibited). Islam is the natural way of life. Its economical system is just; its social system is based on cooperation and brotherhood; its political system is based on consultation and dietary laws are verysimple and beneficial for all the humanity.
The life of the Muslim revolves around the concept of Halal. However, A Muslim must consume Halal medicine too rather than only restricted to foods and drinks.
The concept of Halal in Islam has very specific motives;
1. To preserve the purity of religion
2. To safeguard the Islamic mentality
3. To preserve Life
4. To safeguard property
5. To safeguard future generations
6. To maintain self-respect and integrity.
Tenth Hadeeth from The Collection of Forty Hadith by Imam Nawawi
11:13 AM
Abu Hurairah, radiyallahu 'anhu, reported that the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam, said:
“Verily Allah the Exalted is pure. He does not accept but that which is pure. Allah commands the believers with what He commanded the Messengers. Allah the Almighty has said: "O you Messengers! Eat of the good things and act righteously" [23:51-53]. And Allah the Almighty also said: "O you who believe! Eat of the good things that We have provided you with" [2:167-172].
Then he (the Prophet) mentioned (the case of) the man who, having journeyed far, is dishevelled and dusty and who stretches out his hands to the sky (saying): "O Lord! O Lord!" (while) his food was unlawful, his drink was unlawful, his clothing was unlawful, and he is nourished with unlawful things, so how can he be answered?”
A contemporary issue related to this hadith is about caring what we eat, in terms of two things:
- To be aware of the ingredients of the food in the restaurant or packed/canned foods, especially if they are imported. We need to ensure that they are lawful.
- Many of the things that people eat may cause health problems. We need to be more aware about the healthy aspects of the food, that they are ‘pure’. Universities may need to introduce health education so that people can know what the good foods are. They need to be aware of preservatives, colouring and chemical used in the food. Harmful contents are not ‘tayyiban’ (pure).
Sixth Hadeeth from The Collection of Forty Hadith by Imam Nawawi
11:07 AM
On the authority of Abu 'Abdullah al-Nu'man bin Bashir, radiyallahu 'anhu, who said: I heard the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam, say:
"Truly, what is lawful is evident, and what is unlawful is evident, and in between the two are matters which are doubtful which many people do not know. He who guards against doubtful things keeps his religion and honour blameless, and he who indulges in doubtful things indulges in fact in unlawful things, just as a shepherd who pastures his flock round a preserve will soon pasture them in it. Beware, every king has a preserve, and the things Allah has declared unlawful are His preserves. Beware, in the body there is a flesh; if it is sound, the whole body is sound, and if it is corrupt, the whole body is corrupt, and behold, it is the heart."
[Al-Bukhari & Muslim]
Related to the above issue is the issue of al-ma'kulat (food) where there are many doubtful matters about what we eat. If we check the ingredients that are used in many manufactured food today, e.g. biscuits, canned food and preserved food, there are ingredients that might raise the question of doubtfulness of what we eat. For example, lecithin is used in the manufacture of foodstuff especially in the west and Muslim countries import a lot of food from the west. If it is not specified otherwise then there is a high probability that the lecithin is derived from khanzir (pig) because it is cheaper to produce. Otherwise, it should be mentioned whether it is derived from soya or plants or from halal production.
Another ingredient is emulsifier. Emulsifiers are labelled as the letter 'E' followed by a series of numbers. Some emulsifers contain things that are not permissible. There are efforts done by some Muslim scientists where they try to identify such ingredients. This can then be used as a checklist to check against when we buy food for our family. We should be very careful when we read the ingredients of foodstuff if we want to ensure that what we eat is halal. It is mentioned in a hadith that if what we eat is haram, even our du'a / supplication is not accepted by Allah.
We should take care of our health. A lot of what we eat today or what is in the market is not fresh. There are so many preservatives, colouring and chemicals which, if used excessively, might affect our health. We have to be careful in the sense that although it is in general permissible, if it is used excessively it will affect our health - then we are not doing good for our health as a Muslim.
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Halal guideline
12:20 AMIn general, for something to be declared as halal, it must be:
a) Free of, and not made of, or containing any part or substance taken or extracted from animal which are forbidden (HARAM) to be consumed by Muslims, according to Islamic laws.
b) Not containing any substances, which is declared as filth according to Islamic Laws.
c) Not prepared, processed, produced or manufactured using utensils, equipment and / or machinery which are not free from filthy substances as directed by Islamic Laws, and
d) During preparation, processing or storage, it should not come into contact or be in close proximity with any food which do not fulfill the requirements as stipulated in Paragraph (a), (b) or (c) or any substance declared as being filth according to Islamic Law.
Filth is things that are considered as impure and dirty and it should not be used as foods, clothes, drinks or others. Filth, according to Islamic Law, are:
1. Substances such as Pork, Blood and Carcasses (Carrion) which are filth by themselves and as such cannot be accepted as clean.
2. Clean substances contaminated by filth and cannot be purified.
3. Clean substances contaminated by filth and can be purified.
for pharmaceuticals products, it is best to have:
1) The ingredients used are halal certified.
a) Free of, and not made of, or containing any part or substance taken or extracted from animal which are forbidden (HARAM) to be consumed by Muslims, according to Islamic laws.
b) Not containing any substances, which is declared as filth according to Islamic Laws.
c) Not prepared, processed, produced or manufactured using utensils, equipment and / or machinery which are not free from filthy substances as directed by Islamic Laws, and
d) During preparation, processing or storage, it should not come into contact or be in close proximity with any food which do not fulfill the requirements as stipulated in Paragraph (a), (b) or (c) or any substance declared as being filth according to Islamic Law.
Filth is things that are considered as impure and dirty and it should not be used as foods, clothes, drinks or others. Filth, according to Islamic Law, are:
1. Substances such as Pork, Blood and Carcasses (Carrion) which are filth by themselves and as such cannot be accepted as clean.
2. Clean substances contaminated by filth and cannot be purified.
3. Clean substances contaminated by filth and can be purified.
for pharmaceuticals products, it is best to have:
1) The ingredients used are halal certified.
2) Troughout the entire manufacturing process, the manufacturer only handle halal ingredients and halal products so that no mixing occurs.
3) The packaging, the container used must be halal certified.
4) The transportation itself, must only transport halal product. In addition, for every shipment, the container used must be used only for halal poduct.
users are kindly encouraged to ensure that there is halal logo pasted on the products as it indicates the products are halal certified products.
· Chemical Company of Malaysia (CCM)
· Enseval Putera Megatrading
· Tatarasa Primatama, PT
· Jiangsu Jiangshan Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd
· Eisai food & Chemical co., Ltd
· Jiangxi Sentai Pharmaceutical
· PT. Medium Perkasa
· BASF Aktiengesellschaft
· PT Sanghiang Perkasa
· Lonza Guangzhou Ltd
· DSM Nutritional Products Asia
· Dian Cipta Perkasa, PT
· PT. Hasta Mikra Sumberarta
· Tianxin Pharmaceutical Co., LTD
· PT Surya agung Perkasa
· Titian Abadi Lestari, PT
KwaZulu Natal
- Durban - Vikeleka Herbal Pharmaceuticals, Musgrave
- Durban - Vitamology, Westville
Western Cape
- Cape Town - Biodelta, Simondium
- Cape Town - Herbal Homeopathic, Saltriver
- Cape Town - OTC Pharma SA, Brackenfel
Halal Authority
10:42 PMAsia continent:
1) Malaysia
All halal certification applications, auditing, monitoring and enforcement will be administered by JAKIM which has been given responsibility to upgrade the status and integrity of Malaysian halal certification globally. For further details, go to
2) Thailand
The Institute Halal Standard Institute of Thailand helps ensure that the development and certification of Halal food standards complies with the provisions of the Islamic Religion and correspond to international standards so that it is trusted and accepted by local and international public, food producers and consumers. The Halal Standard Institute of Thailand can be contacted through
3) Indonesia
Lembaga Pengkajian Pangan Obat-obatan dan Kosmetika - Majelis Ulama Indonesia (LPPOM-MUI), is an institution formed by MUI to run MUI function in protecting muslim consumers in consuming products of foods, drugs, and cosmetics. Its missions including to establish and develop halal standard and inspection system. To halal certify foods, drugs and cosmetics consumed by the people. For further details, go to
4) Philippines
The Islamic Da'wah Council of the Philippines, Inc., (IDCP) is a duly recognized Halal Certification and Accreditation Authority in the Philippines under G.R. No. 153888 dated July 09, 2003. It is also the only certifying body in the Philippines which is accepted to authenticate products for the Arab world, U.A.E., K.S.A., Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei and the only member of the World Halal Council (WHC). For further details, go to
5) Singapore
The Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (Muis) is your one-stop centre to Halal certification. As the sole custodian of Halal certification in Singapore, Muis ensures good Halal assurance standards in all certified premises. The Halal Certification Strategic Unit of Muis is ISO 9001 certified and provides a wide range of personalised Halal services. At present, Muis offers six types of Halal certification schemes to cater to various sectors of the industry. For further details, go to
North America Continent
ISNA Halal Certification Agency (HCA) was set up and incorporated at the Federal level on December 24, 2001 and was entrusted with the responsibilities of Halal Food certification being produced and manufactured in Canada in the United States. Since then, HCA developed its own Halal Logo which replaced the ISNA Canada Halal Logo. For further details, go to
Africa Continent
1) South Africa
SANHA is a national, non-profit-making organisation, representing the Muslim community of South Africa on all matters pertaining to the general application of the term Halaal with specific reference to Islamic dietary laws. SANHA's membership comprises of leading Muslim Theological Bodies and reputable, professional Muslim organisations of South Africa. SANHA has been established as a representative authority which promotes professionalism and excellence in the certification of Halaal products. For further details, go to