Halal Pharmaceuticals
providing information for ummah

Halal guideline

In general, for something to be declared as halal, it must be:
a) Free of, and not made of, or containing any part or substance taken or extracted from animal which are forbidden (HARAM) to be consumed by Muslims, according to Islamic laws.

b) Not containing any substances, which is declared as filth according to Islamic Laws.

c) Not prepared, processed, produced or manufactured using utensils, equipment and / or machinery which are not free from filthy substances as directed by Islamic Laws, and

d) During preparation, processing or storage, it should not come into contact or be in close proximity with any food which do not fulfill the requirements as stipulated in Paragraph (a), (b) or (c) or any substance declared as being filth according to Islamic Law.


Filth is things that are considered as impure and dirty and it should not be used as foods, clothes, drinks or others. Filth, according to Islamic Law, are:

1. Substances such as Pork, Blood and Carcasses (Carrion) which are filth by themselves and as such cannot be accepted as clean.

2. Clean substances contaminated by filth and cannot be purified.

3. Clean substances contaminated by filth and can be purified.

for pharmaceuticals products, it is best to have:

1) The ingredients used are halal certified.

2) Troughout the entire manufacturing process, the manufacturer only handle halal ingredients and halal products so that no mixing occurs.

3) The packaging, the container used must be halal certified.

4) The transportation itself, must only transport halal product. In addition, for every shipment, the container used must be used only for halal poduct.

users are kindly encouraged to ensure that there is halal logo pasted on the products as it indicates the products are halal certified products.

Its really feel good, to see yours Amazing post.
Halal Certification

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This blog is published as one of course assesment of PHM 1242 Information and Technology in Pharmacy

Moderated by 8th batch of Kulliyyah of Pharmacy, International Islamic University Malaysia:

Ainul Mardhiyyah Zameram
Aishah Ibrahim
Asma' Aminuddin
Dhabitah Thaqifah Yaziz
Siti Najwa Mohd Nasir

Contact Us through talhah3@gmail.com

Special thanks to Br Qais alEfan, our course coordinator

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